A Tear For You John I never would have imagined that a blink could be so meaningful. It seems you were just here one blink and the next blink was so tearful. John, it’s unintentional but true, [...]
Our daughter Ruby passed away a year ago on February 12, 2007, she was only 21 months and had complications to RSV that resulted in brain death. For her one year going home to Jesus anniversary, [...]
Thoughts on Becoming a Mother: There are women that become mothers without effort, without thought, without patience or loss and though they are good mothers and love their children, I know that [...]
Joshua Joy by Lisa Marie Webster Mysterious life, why did you pass away? I find it hard to say goodbye to someone that I did not know –even though you were such a part of me. We didn’t know if [...]
Special Baby by Taylor Winn There was a special baby named Dominique who passed away She was a loveable baby and we wish she was still here. An angel up high in the sky, but now in our hearts It [...]
Does Anyone Know? Does anyone know what today should be? Anyone else or is it only me? Does anyone know how great today would have been, If you would have come now, instead of then? It seems [...]
I Cried to God Third Anniversary of Bereavement by Greg Wright, February 8, 2004 I cried to God when I was lost, And feared His condemnation. He gave the faith that made me believe And [...]
My Strong Mask of Brokenness Will Someday Be Made Whole I hide behind the smiles and laughter Appearing to be strong. But on the inside I am filled with pain and strife, And everything seems so [...]